Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Living the life of the UNEMPLOYED

Ok, so back in August, I was fired from my job. Of course, this came as no suprise to me, they had slowly been giving my job duties out to other people where I was down to just doing the video shooting and editing.  Well, I went after unemployment... That was my first mistake.  The company fought it and I won, the first time.  Then they were given the chance to appeal it, and they won.  But not until after I had gotten a few months of unemployment benefits. $4,087.00 to be exact.  Since they won the battle, I now have to pay all of that back.  Now, since I don't have a job, I have to pay back the UNEMPLOYMENT benefits that I did receive.  THIS SUCKS!
Anyway, about living while unemployed.  You might think, Great, plenty of time to go fishin, work in the garage, get stuff done around the house......  You would think that.  But some people end up getting into a slump of depression, you don't feel like waking up, you feel like a loser, you aren't bringing any money into the house and above all that, if you do take some time to go fishing, after looking for a job that day, then your wife busts down on you for doing it.  It's like "Your not working, you cannot be going fishing."  I don't know how people can go for months or especially Years without having a job.  I think it sucks.  You sit around on the couch, get fat, lazy, out of shape and above all else, there is still a ton of stuff to do around the house but you just can't get your ass off the computer, facebook, youtube, tv, Xbox etc to go and do anything.
Well, I know this first hand. There are a million and one things around this house I planned on doing while I had the time off.  I was going to clean the garage... Well. I did that but got into another project while doing that and it ended up even worse.  I was going to really insulate the house by filling in some of the cracks in the basement, attic, seal the windows, doors etc.  Never got around to that cause I had to update my status and see what everyone else was up to.
I did however take time to work on my website, updated my social status like every 15 minutes or so and I even did some voluteer work by building a new website for
My wife said the other day, "I thought you were gonna take like a month off to find a job, it's been 5 months."  I was shocked, where had the time gone?  What had I done in all that time?
I looked back on it and really, I spent a majority of that time on the computer.  I was on facebook, youtube and email most of my day.  I didn't get jack diddly done. Even when it was really nice, I only went riding my bike a few times..  I could have gotten thousands of miles in on my bike, I could have done Temp work, I could have done that household work like laundry, dishes, vacuum and much more, but I didn't.
So, here's my resolution.  Until I find a job, I'm going to set a timer and limit myself to 30 minutes online a day, give or take an hour for work stuff.  I should be able to write a blog, update my status, see what is going on in the world, check the weather, look for a job and go over my schedule in that amount of time.
I resolve to help keep the house picked up, help with laundry and get some much needed things done.  I'm going to start by picking up the house before the wife gets home today, then start going through things on the porch to get rid of for a garage sale in the spring.  I've got really cool stuff and I don't know why anyone wouldn't give a few bucks for it.
So, off I go, on my new adventure of being a housewife.....  

Until I get a job of course......

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